All those over 18 years of age who volunteer or work with children more than once a month, or more than four (4) hours a month, must comply with the diocesan and parish Virtus Guidelines regarding child sexual abuse awareness. These positions are noted with the symbol ♦.
♦Beacon of Light
Beacon of Light is a youth ministry for students in grades 6-8 designed to provide students with opportunities to deepen their faith and understanding of church through hands-on service opportunities for both the parish and community at large. This outreach group is based on the Corporal Works of Mercy and allows adolescents to be the hands and feet of Christ for others.
♦Boosters/ CYO
Athletic director, president, secretary, treasurer, and various commissioners for sports plan banquet and sign-ups, plus coordinate local CYO activities. Meets monthly; consult weekly bulletin. Virtus training required for Coaches.
♦Boy Scouts
Provides an opportunity for boys age 11-18 to have fun with a purpose through the traditional Boy Scout program; an emphasis on camping and outdoor activities. Meets on Thursdays 7:30-9:00 PM.
Visit Our Troop Website
♦Cub Scouts
Aid in character development, spiritual growth, citizenship, fitness and community service for boys ages 6-11. Provides a fun, safe and adventurous environment. Meets monthly on Sunday afternoons.
♦Girl Scouts
Provides an opportunity for grade school aged girls to develop their full potential, self-confidence, sound judgment, leadership, values, and respect for and service to others. Meets monthly.
♦Life Teen
Led by our Youth Minister, Sherry Loxterman, adult volunteers assist our teenagers with growing in the faith, developing leadership skills, sharing fun activities, and building community. Meets every Sunday (September – May) at 6:00 PM. Adult Core Team also meets separately for planning purposes. Email [email protected] for more information or click the link below.
Learn More Here!
Parent-Teacher Union (PTU)
These volunteers are committed to Catholic education and raise funds in support of St. Mary School (Pre-K through 8th Grade) and assist the faculty and staff in meeting their educational needs. Support is given to the academic, spiritual, physical and social growth of our school families. All school parents are invited to join. Meets monthly; consult weekly bulletin.
St. Mary's PTU
♦Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Trained volunteers provide Catholic education for students in grades 1-8 who do not attend a Catholic school. Program covers the essentials of the Faith: Creed, Liturgy/Sacraments, Morality and Prayer, as well as formal preparation for First Penance, First Holy Communion and 8th grade Confirmation. Meets weekly at St. Mary School during the school year:
Grades 1-5 on Mondays from 6:15 – 7:30 PM
Grades 6-8 on Sundays 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Learn More Here!
St. Mary Catholic School
Our parish is privileged to support and maintain our own Catholic Elementary School (Pre-K – 8th Grade). To register, contact the School Office 440-286-3590 or visit www.stmaryschoolchardon.org
Student Inquiry Form
♦St. Mary CYO Athletics
The St. Mary athletic programs are registered to participate in the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) of the Diocese of Cleveland. CYO sports are open to all students of St. Mary School and children of parish families.
CYO believes that athletics should help young people be more Christ-like in the way they live and play, foster the development of physical skills, provide for the emotional growth of the athletes, affirm the gifts and spiritual strengths of each participant, and focus on the young person as an individual. CYO inspires young people to know God, to love God, and to serve God through athletics. If you have questions about CYO, please contact John Allin, Athletic Director, at 440-537-6439 or [email protected].
The following CYO athletic programs are available at St. Mary School:
♦Vacation Bible School
2025 VBS Dates: June 16-20
Many volunteers run a week-long summer Bible camp that makes Jesus relevant and present for children ages 4-10. Activities include: crafts, games, snacks, singing, playing, praying and saint presentations. Adults and older teens help in advance for preparation and during the camp.
Learn More Here!