This weekend we celebrate Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist is a meal, a memorial sacrifice, and the real Presence of Jesus Christ. When we gather to celebrate Mass, all of these realities come together to unite us in Christ.
We celebrate the Holy Trinity this weekend, affirming God's revelation of Himself as one God in three divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Happy Pentecost! As our Easter season concludes after this Sunday, we enter back into Ordinary Time with the renewed gift of the Holy Spirit given to the Church at the first time at Pentecost. If you think of it, every moment since that great day is a new Pentecost, a new outpouring of the Spirit of Christ upon His Church.
Happy Mother's Day! May the blessing of our Lord be with all our mothers whom we celebrate this day, for all moms in heaven, (great)grandmas, godmothers, and for all expecting mothers.
Our Scriptures this Sixth Sunday of Easter point to the universality and primacy of God's love. In extending salvation to the Gentiles, St. Peter realizes that "God shows no partiality" in His invitation to share life in His Son Jesus. The Letter of St. John reminds us that God is love, and that God initiates the gift of love.