December is here, the time when many people prepare for their favorite day, Christmas. During this time, many people decorate their Christmas trees, listen to carols, buy gifts, and prepare for the end of the year. Of course, we also do these things to prepare for the end of the year, but as Catholics, we begin a new liturgical year in the Church as we start the first week of Advent.
Today we celebrate Christ the King Sunday! As King of the universe, all creation is ordered under the peaceful reign of Jesus Christ. Jesus reigns with truth and love. As Jesus says to Pontius Pilate in today's Gospel, "Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to My voice."
Now is the time. As we prepare for the end of this liturgical year and the start of Advent in two weeks, our liturgy points us to the end times when Christ will come again. The Father prompts us to pray, "Come, Lord Jesus" to be eager for Christ's coming in glory.
Our Scriptures this Sunday speak about God's offering of Himself to us and our offerings to God. God has offered Himself completely, and He asks us for just a small offering. When we make an offering to Him, we see miracles happen in our lives!
November is a month to pray for the dead. Consider lighting a votive candle in church for the deceased, having a Mass celebrated with their intention, visiting a cemetery, and making special intercession for them in your prayers this month.