This weekend our Church celebrates Priesthood Sunday! We've all been blessed by priests who serve us and deepen our faith and participation in the life of Christ especially through the Sacraments.
What do we do with suffering? We all experience it in one form or another. Despite our world's best intentions to eliminate it, it seems that suffering only increases the more we fight against it.
We are pleased to offer our July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 financial report. More than numbers on a sheet, a parish financial report captures the life and energy of a parish, the generosity of the people, and the various initiatives undertaken for the year, both spiritual and temporal.
In our Scripture this weekend, we have the occasion to reflect on the one flesh consecrated union of marriage between man and woman. In Genesis, the original gift of creation to man and man to creation is enhanced by the gift of woman to man and man to woman.