This week, I celebrate my 8th complete month with you as Administrator. I feel immensely blessed to be called to shepherd our parish along with Fr. Spisak and our deacons. I thank you all for your patience with me as I continue to learn and grow into my role and responsibilities. I fully trust the Lord’s hand guiding us all, especially in this Lenten season, as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter in the next few weeks.
St. Mary's and St. Patrick's Church are in the second month of the Adopt-a-Baby program. It is not to late to pray for an unborn baby and their parents. The program will continue to the end of October, respect for life month. Each month a new development poster is displayed. Everyone loves the beauty and innocence of a baby. But not all babies who are newly conceived are allowed to be born. More than 4,000 babies lose their lives every day.
I am grateful to be going through my first Lent with you all. Can you believe this week marks our midpoint through our Lenten journey? Stay strong with your fasting, prayer, and almsgiving with trust that the Lord will do great things through our small sacrifices.
This Second Sunday of Lent recounts the Transfiguration of Jesus. I find it interesting that the disciples don't experience a strong reaction when the Lord converses with Moses and Elijah, who represent the great tradition of the Law and the Prophets of the Old Testament. However, they do react strongly and become frightened when a cloud appears and they can no longer see what's happening right in front of them.
I pray you have a blessed beginning to your Lenten journey! Know that the Lord has good things in store for you as you make space in your heart for Him through fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. These Lenten disciplines make us experience a certain poverty, vulnerability, and dependency on God.
The Women of the Well Prayer Group will meet on Saturday, March 12th at 9:15 AM in the Hospitality Room. We hope that you will join us for prayer and discussion in this Lenten Season.