Happy Advent! Did you know the word Advent (Latin: adventus) simply refers to the "coming" of Christ? In his Advent reflection booklet, Timothy Cardinal Dolan talks about the three "comings" of Christ: Christ's coming in history, mystery, and majesty.
This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe. This is the last week of Ordinary Time before we enter the Advent season next weekend.
At each Mass we pray for the Second Coming of Christ. Do we really mean it? We know that when Christ comes again, He "comes to rule the earth with justice" as our Psalm response declares.
As we near the end of the liturgical year, the readings become more 'apocalyptic'. Apocalyptic means unveiling of the eternal plan of God, or how things will be in the 'coming age.' The readings today orient us towards the Paschal Mystery of Christ which is the reality that draws a line between this age and the coming age.