You are invited to join the St. Mary Women of the Well Ministry’s 10th Annual Women’s Advent Retreat on Saturday, December 3, from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Banquet Room.
Did you know that it is our littleness that the Lord finds most attractive about us? We don't impress him by our strengths and accomplishments as much as we do by becoming small like a child to let His grace flow through us.
The saints throughout the centuries teach us that prayer is a dialogue and a union with God. When we pray, we enter into a dialogue with the Lord and seek to unite the movements of our heart (thoughts, feelings, and desires) to the movements of God's own Sacred Heart.
I love ordering from Amazon, and the parish staff knows it! As you can see from the image here, the staff live in dread that one day an Amazon freight container in my name will show up at our doorstep (parish brewhouse, anyone?). Now as much as I'd love to order something of that scale, I know a freight container would never fit through our doors! What would Jesus say is the solution to this dilemma? Stop purchasing stuff? Scale down my orders? Of course not! :) Obviously, the solution is to build bigger doors!
Please prayerfully remember Fr. Tom Gilles, Pastor Emeritus of St. Mary Chardon, who passed away on Thursday, September 29, the Feast of the Archangels. Fr. Gilles faithfully served as Pastor at St. Mary's from 1992-2011.