Dear ladies of the parish, high school age and up, please join us for the next gathering of the Women of the Well Prayer Group. Due to a scheduling conflict, the June meeting will take place on Saturday, June 5th at 9:15 AM in the Hospitality Room. We hope that you join us!
Over the past two weeks I have been privileged to meet many of you, celebrate the Holy Eucharist with you, and to continue to pray for Father Redmond that he is enjoying the light and peace of our merciful God in heaven.
You will see some changes at St Mary as we return to a new and hopefully better normal environment in our operation and liturgies. In the weeks ahead we want to make certain that our members who feel at all uncomfortable will still have the opportunity to maintain distancing, wear masks and have a clean space to worship.
Together, the Bishops of Ohio have decided that the general obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (including the Saturday/Vigil Mass) is to be reinstated (CIC, can. 1247). This will take effect in each of the Dioceses of Ohio the weekend of June 5-6, 2021.
It is with much sadness that I write this letter. Sunday evening, May 9, Fr. Dan Redmond was found deceased in the rectory. At the time of this writing we do not know the cause of death or what the arrangements will be. Fr. Dan was a great asset to both St. Mary and St. Patrick parishes.
It is with heavy hearts to announce that Fr. Dan Redmond passed away unexpectedly Sunday evening, May 9th, 2021. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for his family. Once funeral arrangements are finalized, they will be announced here. Please stay tuned to this page for further updates.
“Motherhood involves a special communion with the mystery of life, as it develops in the mother’s womb. The mother is filled with wonder at this mystery of life, and ‘understands’ with unique intuition what is happening inside her..."