The Diocese of Cleveland has instructed all of its parishes to participate in “The Called For More Pilot” program from the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). CLI received a grant from the Lilly Endowment to pilot a new process for supporting priests and parishes in thriving in ministry. By gathering information about each priest and each parish, the pilot seeks to give parishioners more awareness about the needs and opportunities of their local community...
This weekend, February 20-21, is the Parish Appeal Weekend for the Annual Catholic Appeal for the Diocese of Cleveland. The Theme for this year’s Appeal is “Love Your Neighbor.” Each parish has been given a specific goal.
Our friends from Holy Land Gifts will be here at the parish next weekend, February 27-28 at all the Masses. There will be a display of handmade articles for sale such as Nativity Scenes, Crucifixes, Rosaries and many other beautiful religious items. Because of conflict in the region, many Christian families in Bethlehem are struggling to make ends meet...
Dear Parish Family, I would like to congratulate all of the children of our parish who recently celebrated the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation for the first time. I am grateful for their families, their teachers and catechists as well as our Religious Education staff and volunteers. Let’s keep them in our prayers as they prepare for their First Holy Communion...
Anyone who would like to make the Consecration to St. Joseph on March 19th, please join us in that prayer immediately after the Stations of the Cross. You may purchase the Consecration to St. Joseph book by Fr. Donald Calloway online or at Catholic book stores, or at, which also offers more information. Begin reading on Feb.15th for a Mar. 19th consecration date. You'll spend about 20-30 minutes a day on this 33 day journey. If you miss a day, you simply make it up and continue. Women and men of any age are most welcome to join us in this venture. St. Joseph, pray for us!
In the the Garden of Gethsemane, our Lord asked the apostles this same question right before he was handed over. And now, we ask you: "Could you spend one hour with Our Lord, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament?" Be sure to the view the attached flyer for more info, and to select an hour. It may be returned to the Parish Office.