What does it mean to be a catholic man in todays world? Please join us for a program tailored to answer that question. “Into the Breach” is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus for all men 18 years and older. You will grow stronger in faith and your relationships with God, your spouse, children, grandchildren and the entire community. This multi-week program includes a series of videos and a guided discussion in each session.
Happy Advent! I am grateful for the gift of this season to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Along with Lent, Advent is one of two 'penitential' seasons of the Church. While sometimes thought of as a punishment, penance is actually a commitment to bring ourselves back into alignment and right relationship with God. In order to celebrate Christmas well, I want to encourage all of our parish families to find simple but meaningful ways of doing penance this Advent as an grateful offering to God for all that He has done for you.
Please reflect on the impact that Father Redmond made on your life, your family, and this parish over the nearly decade in which he served as Pastor. May God bless you and may you be generous in response to this memorial appeal.
This Sunday of the last week of Ordinary Time celebrates Christ the King of the Universe. The crowning completion of this liturgical year coincides with the humble beginning of our King with the new liturgical year we celebrate next week with Advent.
Our readings this week and next weekend turn apocalyptic since we're approaching the end of our liturgical year. A new liturgical year will begin in two weeks with Advent. As we approach that new beginning, it's important to 'end' our time well. With that in mind, I'd like to offer reflections this week and next on how the 'apocalypse' relates our end to our new beginning.
The fundraising campaign for the Father Daniel P. Redmond Memorial Scholarship Fund continues and your participation is prayerfully requested. We are asking that every parish household consider supporting this effort to create a lasting memorial to our late pastor, who passed away six months ago on May 9, 2021.
With this announcement, we are completing our first week of fundraising for the Father Daniel P. Redmond Memorial Scholarship Fund. We are asking that every parish household consider supporting this effort to create a lasting memorial to our late pastor, who was called to his heavenly home at an early age. As previously stated, the three primary objectives of this Fund are as follows:
Fr. Spisak and I are incredibly grateful for our time on retreat towards the end of October and for your prayers for us. Please know that we also prayed for you! A retreat is a time of deep connection and renewal with the Lord, a check-in with the deepest reality of God's order. On our retreats, our days are structured around hours of prayer, Mass, and spiritual direction.