Through the above identified scholarship program, the Catholic communities of Chardon and Thompson look to honor the leadership and service of our former pastor, Father Daniel P. Redmond, who passed away suddenly last spring. Over nearly a decade, from November 2011 to May 2021, Father Redmond was spiritual leader to the parishes of Saint Mary, Chardon, and Saint Patrick, Thompson. Father Scott Goodfellow has authorized the creation of a Memorial Scholarship Fund in Father Redmond’s name.
St. Mary's Women of the Well Prayer Group will meet on Saturday, November 13th at 9:15 AM in the Hospitality Room. We hope that you will join us. Also, please come to the 9th Annual women's Advent Retreat , "Shining in the Midst of Darkness", on Saturday, December 4th. We will begin...
Dear Parish Family, I am excited to share more about my time on retreat in future bulletins and conversations. For this weekend, I want to call to mind a few important events and reminders.
Thank you for your prayers for Fr. Spisak's and my silent retreats. While he is back this weekend, I am still on my silent retreat until Tuesday afternoon. As I write this bulletin in advance of my leaving for retreat, I trust that the Lord has done and will continue to do great things for us as we give Him the space and time to minister to our hearts. God blesses His priests so that they may bless His people. Please let us know how our retreats went as you receive the effects of them in the year ahead!
We are moving into the heart of the Fall Season, and isn't it beautiful! Praise God for the colors of His creation! I am grateful to God every day for the gift of being called to be your shepherd. Thank you for your commitment to our parish family as we grow closer to God day by day. I invite you to be attentive to some of the following events taking place in the days and weeks ahead.
Please join us for a Memorial Mass of Remembrance at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 3rd. The Mass will honor all the deceased of the parish from the preceding year. Their names are inscribed in the Book of the Dead, which will be displayed in a place of honor in the church throughout the month of November. All are invited to come and remember the recently deceased as well as loved ones lost in previous years.
To honor the leadership and service of our former pastor, Father Daniel P. Redmond, to the parishes of Saint Mary, Chardon, and Saint Patrick, Thompson, over nearly a decade from November 2011 to May 2021, Father Scott Goodfellow has authorized the creation of a Memorial Scholarship Fund in Father Redmond’s name. It is hoped that sufficient funds can be raised to provide one or more annual scholarships to graduating eighth grade students from Saint Mary School who are to attend Catholic high schools.
As we enter into the heart of October, I am grateful for this month being Respect Life month and being dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Mary received the author of life in her womb, and remained closely united to Him through His life, death, and resurrection. She experienced in her life the full flavor of human joy and sorrow.
Please consider joining us for the Our Lady of Fatima Eucharistic Holy Hour, led by Fr. Scott Goodfellow. This event will take place on Tuesday, October 5th, at 7 PM in the church. It will include Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction, Recitation of the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. In a special way, we will continue to remember the late Fr. Daniel Redmond. Please send any prayer requests to [email protected].
It’s with great sadness that we learned about the death of Bishop Anthony M. Pilla on Tuesday, September 21. Bishop Pilla was a faithful shepherd in our Cleveland Diocese for many years. He never ceased reminding his flock in Cleveland, “You are good people.” He had a deep spiritual wisdom that saw all people as good as God created them to be. While sin can smear that image of God’s goodness in us, it can never fully wipe it away.
Since the diocesan women's retreat will be held on Oct. 9th, the October WOW meeting has been changed to Saturday, Oct. 16th at 9:15 a.m. in the Hospitality Room. Also, please save the date of Dec. 4th for a WOW Advent Morning of Prayer. We hope to see you on Oct. 16th!