The Catholic Bishops of Ohio extend the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses/liturgies ending on May 29th, with the hope of publicly celebrating together the Solemnity of Pentecost on the weekend of May 30/31. Each of the bishops of Ohio, once again, dispense the Catholic faithful who reside in their respective dioceses and all other Catholics currently in their territories from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass during this time. We ask for the cooperation and adherence of all the faithful to the governor’s directives during this period.
We are pleased to let you know that we are already accepting registrations for next year. The registration forms are available in the PSR Office, Parish Office, or online at We will be offering the Homeschool option again this year which may be helpful for those families with extremely busy school year schedules. Details are listed in the form. We are still in the process of finalizing the PSR calendars, but will publish and upload them to the website as soon as we have confirmed all of the dates. Please respect our registration due date, so that we may properly prepare for the PSR school year.
Guarino’s is now accepting donation meals to be distributed to TriPoint hospital. They will deliver them on Thursdays to different departments. You may call and leave a message at 216-650-4582, and a return call to get their credit card info will be received
The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be here at St. Mary Parish on Sunday, May 10th. Entrance will be by the side cafeteria door and donations will be by appointment only.
Join our pastor, Fr. Dan Redmond, as he will be celebrating Mass, LIVE on Facebook, this Sunday, April 19th at 9:00 AM. Please recall that this is a private celebration in line with government and church directives, and watch only on-line. We all look forward to a time in the near future when we can join together to celebrate the liturgy in person. Our Facebook site is
I have been talking and emailing with our VBS catechists and parish staff concerning VBS during the coronavirus crisis. Our registration was planned to start at the beginning of April, so I want to give an update. St. Mary’s has decided to cancel our Vacation Bible School for the week of June 22-26, 2020.
Dear Parishioners, included here is a Memorandum from Fr. Don Oleksiak, Diocesan Administrator for the Diocese of Cleveland, with a current update and some more information. God Bless!
My Dear Parishioners, In March, I was very happy to hire Aleisha Wolf as the new Development Director for St. Mary School. Aleisha will be promoting the advancement of our School and will be communicating with our school parents, our school faculty and the parish community-at- large. Please join me in welcoming Aleisha to our St. Mary’s staff and may God continue to bless our parish family. -Fr. Dan Redmond
This week I have started doing a video of a program I do for the school children each week. It is called D.O.G. Discover our God. Attached is what I put together for Holy week. Hopefully it will help you navigate all of the liturgical celebrations that we would have been a part of. - Deacon Larry Boehnlein
Today (April 2, 2020) Governor Mike DeWine extended the executive “Stay at Home Order” to continue to curb the spread of the Coronavirus in the State of Ohio. Out of deep concern for the common good, as well as the physical and spiritual well-being of all the people of Ohio, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio have agreed once again to cooperate with the governor’s direction. To that end, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio extend the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses/liturgies at least through and including Sunday May 3rd. Click title for complete article.