Prayer Shawl meetings are directly after the noon Mass in the Community Room on October 6th. Please help yourself to the Blessed shawls located in the Community Room and complete an entry in our registry if you wish us to pray for the recipient of the shawl(s). Yarn donations and additional knitters/crocheters/quilters are welcomed.
Join Men on a Journey! - Bible Study Edition, as we begin a new journey through the Gospel of Mark. The journey will begin on Monday, September 23rd, at 7:00 PM. Come to see what you know and learn what you don't! Hope to see you there!
We are so excited that we have so many children in our parish that our benefiting from Children's Liturgy. The children are led into the Hospitality Room where our dedicated lectors read the scripture with the children and give a little lesson on the readings for the day.
You can once again place all your treasured 'stuff' into the SVDP BundleTruck! Your 'stuff' may not mean much to you, but to people in need, it means a more comfortable life. What exactly is 'stuff'? ...
Open to all adults (men and women 18+), the goal of the retreat is for people to learn Who Jesus Christ truly is and to grow into an intimate relationship with Him – a relationship that is endlessly deep. We believe that Jesus, in the Eucharist, is the source and summit of our Faith, and through this retreat, we will welcome this same Jesus into our hearts – just as He has invited us into His.