Mother's Day is the perfect day to honor the connection between Mother and child and start our baby bottle fundraiser on May 7th and end on Father's Day, June 19th. Because of the coin shortages we are asking for paper money or checks to be placed in the Prolife envelopes found in the baby bottles on the display tables in the Gathering Space. Please return the bottles/envelopes in the brown "offertory" box also located in the Gathering Space by June 19th. You may also donate on the St. Mary's website by clicking here. Scroll down to "online giving" then click on Pro-Life Baby Bottle Fundraiser. This fundraiser helps to support local agencies, Birthright Geauga, Students for life, and more. Thank you for your past support and generous donations that have changed lives.
ADOPT A BABY PROGRAM MONTH 3 – Developing Baby -- “I can suck my thumb!” - Spiritual Adoption - Program Your baby is quite active in the womb now - - although his mother won’t feel him for another couple of months. If his mother’s womb had a window, you could watch your spiritually adopted baby squint, swallow and move his tongue. He can make a tight fist if you touch his palm. He is breathing amniotic fluid which continues until birth, although he obtains the oxygen his body needs through the umbilical cord. The baby you are praying for weighs one ounce. Early this month – at just 9 weeks – he began to suck his thumb.