During this coming week, the third week of Easter, each day we will continue to read from the Acts of the Apostles. We will read stories of courage, of denial, of conversion and complete transformation.
We hear how Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit debated fearlessly with the Sanhedrin; and for his efforts he was stoned to death. In that process we see Saul, cowardly standing by looking for opportunities to arrest Christians. We read how Phillip, empowered by the Holy Spirit, was able to cure people who were possessed, paralyzed and crippled. By his teachings the Ethiopian eunuch was instructed and baptized. Through the power of God we hear the story of the conversion of Saul and how God used Ananias to guide him, to transform his life from condemning Christians to empowering them to spread the gospel message. At the end of the week we will see how God used Peter to bring Aeneas back to life.
All these stories are here to help us realize the great power of God at work in our lives, if only we have faith and trust in his great love, mercy and forgiveness. If God has the power to transform the life of Saul, then he certainly has the power to transform our lives. to help us turn away from our former way of life and live a new life following in the footsteps of Christ and the saints. This week let us make a special effort to read and reflect on the Acts of the Apostles placing our trust in the risen Christ.