Dear Friend,
As we embark on a new school year, we can’t help but think about the bulletin board in the school lobby, whether you are in our day school or our PSR program, you should stop and take a look. You can’t miss the train that is
there. It reminds us of a journey. This journey that we are all on. The bulletin board behind it says, “Engineered by God, driven by Faith”. We know we are created and loved by God, that we learned at an early age. But faith is what keeps us driven as we journey through life. We keep that Faith alive through a relationship with Jesus. The Sacraments give us the grace to live a faith-filled life. Where are you and your family members on this journey with Jesus? Are you ready to deepen that faith while on this journey? Do you have children that you would like to bring on this journey with you? There is much to know and much to learn.
If you, your spouse, or any adult family members or friends are interested in being baptized or becoming Catholic, we invite you to consider the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, abbreviated as RCIA. RCIA is a journey in
which adults are invited to learn who God is and how we follow Him as Catholic Christians. The RCIA process is designed to be that part of our journey where we can begin to view our daily experiences and situations through the lens of the Catholic faith. It is a place in which we can pray and discern, learn about the faith, ask questions, have a first-hand experience of being part of a Catholic Christian community, and ultimately be brought into full communion with the Catholic Church through Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
If you should be interested in learning more about this journey for you or for your loved ones, please reach out to us. We invite you to join us on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm starting September 12 in the Hospitality Room off of the church gathering space. Come and find out what is driving others into a deeper relationship with Jesus. If one of your children need to catch up on any of their Sacraments (Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation), please also let us know. We would love to assist you in coming to know our Lord Jesus more deeply.
We are yours in Christ,
Fr. Scott Goodfellow [email protected] Administrator (440) 285-7051 x113
Mrs. Kara Passow [email protected] Director of Faith Formation (440) 286-6531 x108