I am pleased to announce that St. Mary Parish in Chardon will be hosting its annual Lenten Parish Mission on Monday, February 22nd, Tuesday, February 23rd and Wednesday, February 24th from 7:00-8:15 p.m. each evening. “The Faith and Real Life Parish Mission” will be presented by Mr. Greg Wasinski, an internationally known Catholic speaker. Here is what his website has to say:
Greg Wasinski is the Creator and Producer of the Faith and Real Life Initiative. Through his role as serving as Executive Director of "Let Me Be..." Ministries, Greg utilizes his vision to create content that is quality and relative. Greg Wasinski is an internationally recognized, Inspirational Speaker and Author from Cleveland, OH. He also offers his radio talents as a daily contributor to SiriusXM Radio’s, The Catholic Channel and EWTN Radio with his “Faith & Real Life Moments.” He is the voice and personality of multiple podcasts, the Faith 180 video series, and the host of "So, Let Me Ask You..." an interview based TV Show.
Prior to his life in ministry Greg had a career for thirteen years as a corporate executive in both the marketing and golf course industries. He continues to offer business coaching and motivational work sessions to companies who are serious about customer service, a team based work environment, and servant leadership based management. Greg is the founder and Executive Director of "Let Me Be..." Ministries (LMBM Inc.). He is the father of two teenage children and is married to his wife, Aimee, for twenty-four years. (https://faithandreallife.com/greg-wasinski/)
NIGHT ONE: OUR CALL Is focused on surrendering to your own unique gifts from God, which can change the world. We will also explore how our faith plays out in the real world. This light–hearted evening calls participants to recognize how they are called to be who God created them to be.
NIGHT TWO: OUR RELATIONSHIP This night sets a tone for the responsibility we share, not only to have faith by “title” but also to be in relationship with Christ through prayer. By walking with Him, we will hear His voice and recognize Him in others. No matter what we face, in the good and bad, we are never alone.
NIGHT THREE: FINDING JESUS IN THE EUCHARIST A presentation offered on the life of Christ and His fruits found in the Eucharist. This final evening will look at every attribute of Jesus we receive through the Eucharist, which fully binds us to our faith. The mission ends with Eucharistic Adoration, reflection, music, and prayer. (https://lmbminc. org/parish-mission/)
Please join us for what will be a truly inspirational way to begin the season of Lent. May you and your loved ones celebrate a peaceful, prayerful and spiritually fruitful Lenten season.