Dear Parish Family, The Third Sunday of Advent is known as "Gaudete" ("Rejoice!") Sunday. The readings this weekend are exuberant with joy, and for good reason: Christmas, the Solemnity of the Birth of our Savior, is almost here!
I find it interesting that "Gaudete" is given as an imperative command. The Scriptures are literally telling us that we MUST rejoice. It's not optional. Many of us might find it easy to rejoice this time of year, while others might find it very difficult if it's been a tough year or if it's our first Christmas without a loved one who died. The command is the same for all. We must find in Christ the reason to rejoice!
By rejoicing, we aren't reveling in how good the year has been or in our own accomplishments or victories, and we certainly aren't downplaying the seriousness of our sadness or loss. Rejoicing means placing all our trust and hope in Jesus Christ our Savior, who comes to redeem the whole world. Jesus is the sole source of hope and joy for the world. If we seek our happiness, peace, and fulfillment in anything or anyone else besides Him, we will not be able to rejoice eternally.
Bambinelli Blessing At Masses this weekend, and at the School Mass this Tuesday, we will have a special "Bambinelli" ("little baby") blessing. Children and adults alike are invited to bring the Jesus figure from their Nativity sets to be blessed. This wonderful tradition established by St. John Paul II began in Rome and has spread to parishes throughout the world.
Our new livestream and sound system are fully operational! In the coming weeks we will continue to dial-in the sound settings for various microphones and work with lectors on proper use of the new ambo microphone. New sound systems bring change which can be good but also challenging. If you are having a hard time hearing in the church or notice issues, please let me know. We will work to address these in the weeks ahead. We also have new assistive listening technologies to assist you, including a headset that ties in to our sound system, a bluetooth app as well as a T-Coil neckloop that you can wear at church that can connect directly with your hearing aid or cochlear implant. Please speak with me, an usher, or our parish office staff to learn more and to get set up with these new devices and technologies.
We have hung new icons on the sanctuary pillars. One is of "The House of Mother Mary" which I purchased during my recent Footsteps of St. Paul pilgrimage at Ephesus while visiting the home of Mary where she lived and where we believe her Assumption took place. The other is of St. Michael the Archangel which we can turn and face when we pray the St. Michael Prayer after Mass. I hope these icons continue to bless us and deepen our faith!
Rectory Updates If you would like to receive regular email updates about the progress of the new St. Mary Rectory, please use the subscribe form found at I will be sending out email updates a few times a month with photos of the progress to share progress and next steps. I will also share a link to the e-newsletter in my bulletin column if you are not subscribed so you can read about the progress! Since I haven't sent out any updates yet, I will let you know that in these initial weeks, we have officially broken ground! The excavators have worked on sewer tie-ins and dug out a place to drain the basement. This past week they began excavation of the basement area.
Christmas is on the way! Here are a few reminders as you plan the rest of your Advent and Christmas season:
Mon., Dec 16 - Parish Confessions at St. Mary's from 4-5 pm, and a Communal Penance Service at St. Mary's with individual confessions at 7:00 pm.
Tue., Dec 17 - Parish Confessions at St. Mary's from 10-11 am
Tue., Dec 17 - Mon Dec 23 - Advent Vespers (Evening Prayer) at 7:00 pm each night at St. Patrick's
Tue., Dec 24 - Christmas Eve Masses (4:00 pm at St. Mary's and at St. Patrick's; 6:30 pm and 10:00 pm at St. Mary's)
Wed., Dec 25 - Christmas Day Masses (8:00 am and 10:00 am at St. Mary's; 9:30 am at St. Patrick's). Note there is NO 12:00 pm Mass at St. Mary's this day
Thu., Dec 26 - no daily Mass at St. Mary's or St. Patrick's
As we enter more deeply into this holy season, please know how grateful I am to each and every one of you for your support of our parish. We would not be here without your support. Because of you, we make an incredible impact in our community by being and bringing the presence of Jesus, our Incarnate Lord, to those who need Him most. Your continued support of our Church and ministries makes a huge difference! If you are interested in making an end of the year gift to the parish, please visit to learn more about regular Sunday offertory, online giving, legacy gifts, and qualified charitable distributions. If you would like to make a gift of appreciated securities, please reach out to me or Linda Ropchock our Business Manager at [email protected] and we would be happy to assist you!