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Confession is a wonderful opportunity to receive absolution from our sins and reconcile with God, self, and others. The grace of confession continues beyond the Sacramental encounter with the priest as Christ continues to heal the wounds and damage done by sin. We look forward to celebrating this great Sacrament of our Lord's mercy with you!
Adoration is a time of intimacy and connection with our Lord. We adore whenever we remain in His presence, especially in the presence of the Holy Eucharist residing in the taberanacle. While the Church is open throughout the day for you to come adore Jesus, we have a special period of time each week where we celebrate Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. The Lord warmly invites you to spend time with Him!
Each Friday afternoon we will send you our "Faithful Forecast" email with updates and reminders for the weekend and the week ahead. Stay informed.