Bloodmobile The American Red Cross provides an opportunity to donate blood several times a year; consult weekly bulletin for upcoming dates. Volunteers assist with registration and instructions.
Catholic Charities Team Provides assistance to the needy people of our diocese regardless of race or religion. Volunteers prepare for and facilitate the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal for the parish. Meet once a year to assist with this fundraiser.
Community Suppers Volunteers work with a different Parish Ministry each month to provide a dinner for those in the Chardon community who wish to share a meal and fellowship in our cafeteria on the last Thursday of each month from 5:00-6:30 PM; volunteers are needed from 4:00-7:30 PM.
Nicaragua Mission Partnership Volunteers help to support awareness of, and to provide assistance to, our partner parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Chacraseca, Nicaragua. Mission trips, prayers, and other activities keep this partnership meaningful for both parishes. Meets monthly; consult weekly bulletin.
Ozanam Center This off-site organization provides food and clothing to the poor and needy in our metropolitan area. Volunteers help from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM approximately six or eight Saturdays a year at the St. Philomena campus.
Project Hope This off-site organization provides food, shelter and counseling for homeless individuals and families in our area. Volunteers provide and serve a meal on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 25 Freedom Road, Painesville Township.
Project Hope for the Homeless
Pro-Life Group Volunteer members raise awareness to the parish and local community about all issues pertaining to the respect for human life from conception until natural death. Activities include Saturday morning prayer on the Square in Chardon, a 9-month Spiritual Adoption program, Holy Innocents Holy Hour, educational bulletin announcements, the National March For Life and more.
Saint Vincent dePaul Society Members assist the needs of the disadvantaged through direct aid and social action. Projects include: SVDP Bundle Weekends, holiday food baskets, Blanket Sunday collections, and Advent Giving Tree.
Samaritans Volunteers help those who live in long-term care facilities within our parish boundaries by visiting and praying with residents, as well as leading a Holy Communion Service.
*Chardon Health Care, 620 Water St. on Tuesdays; Rosary at 10:30 AM on Fridays (Charlene Raby 440-285-2354)
Chardon Healthcare Center *Heather Hill, 12340 Bass Lake Rd. on Mondays (Deacon Larry Boehnlein 440-286-6474; [email protected])
Heather Hill Nursing Home *The Liberty, 12350 Bass Lake Rd. on Tuesdays (Peggy and Joe Soucek 440-724-1866)
*The Residence of Chardon, 501 Chardon-Windsor Rd. (at Grant St.) on Sundays after 8:00 AM Mass (Deacon Larry Boehnlein 440-286-6474; [email protected])
The Residence OF Chardon