With this announcement, we are completing our first week of fundraising for the Father Daniel P. Redmond Memorial Scholarship Fund. We are asking that every parish household consider supporting this effort to create a lasting memorial to our late pastor, who was called to his heavenly home at an early age.
As previously stated, the three primary objectives of this Fund are as follows:
To provide a lasting memorial for Father Redmond, who served this parish as pastor for nearly ten years.
To recognize the importance of Catholic education, including support at the secondary level, in the growth, development and foundational learning of our children.
To recognize graduates of Saint Mary School who have committed to continue their education at a Catholic high school and to assist their parents in financing this learning environment.
Since last week’s article, a few questions have arisen, to which responses are now provided:
How can a contribution to this fund be made? Contributions may be placed in the weekend collection basket, delivered to the parish office during the work week, or mailed to the parish.
How is the contribution to be designated? The contribution should be accompanied by some form of written indication of its purpose, such as a memo entry on the check or a note with a cash payment stating that it is intended for this Fund.
It was stated that contributors of $200 or more would receive the two-volume set of Father Redmond’s writing. Does this group of contributors also receive a copy of the booklet containing the milestones of Father Redmond’s pastorate? Yes, these contributors will also receive the milestones booklet as well as the writings.
Why should a contribution be made at this time? The sooner funds are gathered, the sooner these funds can be invested in a manner so as to produce earnings on the principal amount of the Fund. The hope is that sufficient earnings on the principal can be obtained so that the principal is not depleted. This will result in the ability to continue to award scholarships for years to come.
Are there any other current effects to honor Father Redmond’s service and well-lived life? No other formal efforts are known at this time.
Every fundraising effort needs to begin with strong initial support in order that more individuals will be induced to participate. Please consider making your contribution early in order that your example might prompt others to join in this project to honor Father Redmond. Our initial goal is to raise $25,000. With this amount, we expect that one scholarship may be awarded each school year. With multiples of this amount, the funding may allow the awarding of additional annual scholarships. Please take a moment to say a prayer for the soul of Father Redmond as you reflect on whether to donate. May God bless your support and generosity!