On behalf of our Parish Staff, I would like to wish you and your loved ones a very blessed Easter. Christ has risen! He is truly risen! Once again the Church can cry out in prayer and song, “Alleluia!”
The Easter message of joy echoes through the whole world proclaiming Christ’s ultimate victory of light over darkness, grace over sin, and life over death. It is the message upon which we build our lives and to which we anchor our own hope of victory with Him.
In spite of the evil and sin that surrounds us, even in spite of the evil and sin that infiltrates our own lives, the risen Christ holds out to us the promise of eternal life with Him. Because Christ Jesus has died, has risen and will come again, He has conquered the power of sin and death. We believe that, for us who are faithful to Him, we too, shall live with Him.
In this spirit of faith, hope and love, I wish you a holy and happy Easter.