Dear Parish Family, Epiphany moments happen when the lightbulb goes off in our minds. We're struck with inspiration to pursue a path or make a decision that will advance us to our goals. The Epiphany moment in today's Gospel happened when the Magi from the East recognized the signs in the sky and realized they were being called by God to make this pilgrimage to Israel and seek the newborn King.
We don't know much about the Magi's faith background or rationale for coming to Bethlehem to meet Jesus. We only know that their heart lit up when this opportunity came to them. They didn't want to miss the opportunity to encounter Christ the King. So they made the journey and were forever blessed. After meeting the newborn Jesus, we hear they departed for their country by another way. Encountering Christ changes us. We're not the same, and we don't want to return to the old ways of our life when Jesus changes our hearts. His grace advances us towards our goal of salvation and healing of the wounds of sin.
Have you had an "Epiphany" moment in encountering Christ? When was it that you knew you had to invite Him into your life? Jesus continues to seek and call just as powerfully today as He did 2,000 years ago. Make this new year look different. Recommit yourself to Sunday Mass. Find an opportunity to Look for the signs in your life pointing the way to Christ, and seek Him where His truth and love are found!
We are looking to hire a part-time janitor at St. Mary's. Hours would be flexible between 1-6 pm Monday through Friday, 15-25 hours per week. If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, please reach out to me. We could use the extra set of hands with cleaning, setup and teardown in our facilities. If full-time work is desired, we could also discuss that possibility.
We will celebrate our first Jubilee Mass on Monday, January 6 at 7:30 am. Special Mass prayers and readings will be used for these Jubilee Masses. Please visit for more information and upcoming Jubilee Masses and other information about the Jubilee Year of Hope.