Dear Parish Family, This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The Feast is also known as "Candlemas" because of Simeon's profession we hear in the Gospel, "My eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel." Simeon recognizes that Jesus is the light of the world. Our devotional candles used for prayer and intercession, whether at home or in the church, remind us to place all our hope and trust in Jesus. Like Simeon, we recognize in Jesus a light that the world cannot give. His light illumines the darkest recesses of our hearts and calls us forth out of darkness into His radiant light.
I am happy to report that by your investment in the Angel Scholarship Fund, we had over $226,000 contributed through December 31, 2024 to assist with tuition scholarships at St. Mary School! This surpassed our end of year totals from last year by over $30,000. The contribution window is still open for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for your 2024 state income taxes through April 15 of this year. Every dollar invested will help us reach our goal of raising $300,000, and will help us exceed our priorities to lower parent tuition commitments, raise teacher salaries, and maximize our parish investment into St. Mary School. Thank you for your support!
Have questions about making and claiming your ASF tax credit? Sign up for a 15-minute phone call with me, one of our team members, or one of our ASF Ambassadors. We can walk you through how to make a contribution and claim your tax credit.
This weekend we have a "chocolate whips" sale after Masses in our gathering space to support our upcoming Night to Shine event. This amazing event honors those with special needs with a beautiful prom night. We still need volunteers to help with the event, so please visit to sign up to assist.